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Terms of Use
Terms of Use


Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and Terms & Condition (T&C) Yeahhost issues this document. The company shall be known throughout this document as Yeahhost.

Important Notice
All Payments To Yeahhost for Shared Hosting Have a 30-days Money Back Guarantee.

Any payments for subscribing to our shared hosting have a 30-days money back guarantee. Domain name registration, SSL Certificate, reseller hosting, VPS, dedicated hosting and other services are not benefit from this guarantee. If you have violated our AUP or T&C, the thirty (30) days money back guarantee no longer applies to you.

Yeahhost agrees to provide the client web hosting for a monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, annual fee. Yeahhost will never require clients to advertise for Yeahhost on their website in any way shape or form unless agreed upon such as a non-profit organization receiving complimentary hosting. Clients are allowed to use the service for business/commercial or personal websites or content.

All services provided by Yeahhost may be used for lawful purposes only. Transmission, storage, selling or presentation of any information, data, item, product or material in violation of any Malaysia (or any other country) law is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to: copyrighted material, material that is threatening or obscene, material that is "adult only" content, selling illegal product, item or material protected by trade secrets and other statue. The subscriber agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Yeahhost from any claims resulting from the use of the service which damages the subscriber or any other party.

Examples of Non-Acceptable Contents, Links, Items or Products:

Pirated software
Adult Websites
Hacking programs or archives Warez Sites
Illegal MP3's
Spamming Software
Scamming, Phishing & Gambling
Virus, Malware, Adware & Harmful Contents
Defamatory Statement
Selling Item or Product that are Deemed to be Illegal
Selling of Health, Medicine, Beauty, Suppliment or Consumable Product that are not Approved by it's Respective Goverment Body

Background Running Programs
We do not allow background-running programs. This includes any IRC related software such as bouncers and bots. In certain cases we may allow programs to run continually in the background, these are considered on a one to one basis and an extra charge will be incurred based on system resources used and operational maintenance needed..

Shared Hosting Banned Scripts and Contents
You are free to use any scripts you wish provided they do not affect the normal operations of the server and they are not mentioned specifically below. Scripts that are commonly known for causing server disruption include large cgi-based message forums, auctions, and banner exchanges. In the event a script affects normal server and/or administrative operations, Yeahhost reserves the right to disable the account pending client cooperation and resolution.

Scripts and contents we do not allow:

AutoSurf, PPC, PTC or PTS sites
Banner-Ad services
Broadcast or Streaming of Live Events
Bruteforce Scripts
Chat servers/scripts of any kind are strictly prohibited
Videos or Audios Sharing/Serving Website
File Dump and Mirror Scripts
Fraudulent Sites
High-Yield Interest Programs (HYIP)
Image Hosting Scripts
Investment Sites such as E-Gold, FOREX, MLM & Pyramid Scheme
IP Scanners
Mail Bombers or Spam Scripts
Mailer Pro
Primarily drive traffic to another site
Proxy Scripts and Anonymizes
Lottery and Gambling Scripts
Hacking scripts, archives and programs
Distribution and/or Transmission of Obscene or Indecent Speech or Material
Violation of indecency and obscenity laws can result in criminal penalties.

Scripts banned on Shared Hosting but can be run on Dedicated Server:
Although chat servers/scripts, banner exchanges and cgi-based forum are banned by Shared Hosting package, we do provide dedicated server service for our clients to run this type of scripts.

Disk Space
The storage capacity provided with the hosting plan you have purchased is defined as disk space. It is used in order place content such as your web pages, databases and email accounts. You can not use the provided disk space as backup storage, medium for file transfer (via FTP, HTTP and etc.), or file sharing storage except in dedicated hosting.

In order to use this space for shared hosting, you have to respect the following conditions:

You may only store your website's content. It is forbidden to use it for personal or unrelated pieces of data that are not part of your website.

If Yeahhost detects you are using the disk space for other purposes, Yeahhost can end the hosting contract and terminate your account.

Bandwidth and Data Transfer
The bandwidth used by your websites and the data transfer are limited by system resource usage. Yeahhost could step in to suspend or terminate your account if your bandwidth usage causes latency or problems to other customers.

We do not allow any kind of media download websites, especially websites that exist specifically to enable people to download files (such as program, scripts, audio, videos, ROMs, emulators, cheats, torrents etc.).

Video streaming or other usage purposes that is hogging internet bandwidth is prohibited on all types of services we offer.

All services hosted in our servers are equipped with data mirroring capability where all data are stored in two hard disks in real-time to prevent data lost during hardware failure, also known as RAID.

Scheduled backup applies to shared hosting packages as advertised where data are backup weekly (exact schedule may differ) into a remote backup storage for safe keeping purpose. To improve backup efficiency, shared hosting accounts with used storage exceeding 30GB will be excluded from the scheduled backup. Shared hosting accounts that generate or produce errors during backup can cause failure to backup the specific account. However, data mirroring will still be applied to protect against data lost.

Backups performed manually via cPanel backup or Softaculous backup in shared hosting services will be stored in the storage within the shared hosting accounts. Once manual backup is completed, users are required to download the backups into their local computer storage for safe keeping. Backups which has been performed manually by users will be deleted after 3 days.

Services other than shared hosting, such as VPS, smart servers, dedicated servers and cloud servers have data mirroring applied. Customers of such services are encouraged to purchase separate remote backup storage if scheduled backup is required.

A service charge will be incurred for customers who request to restore data from the schedule backup, depending on the availability of the schedule backup.

System Resources
The most important limitation of a shared web hosting service is the resources allocation. System resources are mainly CPU and RAM, which are used by software and your websites.

Yeahhost limits its customers to a 5% system resource usage. It is a maximum of 5% of the total system resources that can be used by a single customer. That applies to all clients hosted on the same server.

If your account uses too much system resources, Yeahhost's support staff will notify you.

In this situation, you have 2 solutions. You can fix the situation by using less system resources or you can migrate to a dedicated server. In some cases, where the use of resources would reduce the availability of services to other customers, your site could be temporarily suspended or moved to an independent server for a period of up to 1 week so you can fix the situation.

You may not use any system resources or our services to offer any free services including but not limited to free hosting, free email service, free application hosting, free websites, free blogging service, and free image hosting.

You may not resell add-on domains of shared hosting to others, or provide them as free service to any parties. To host domains for different individuals or companies, you need a reseller plan.

You may not use database service provided for your shared hosting account to serve any external application not hosted in our web servers. You may use our web based Phpmyadmin to manage your MySQL database.

These rules are written to prevent misuse of the Yeahhost’s offers (bandwidth, disk space and system resources) in order to give assure your entire satisfaction using the amazing Yeahhost web hosting offers.

These rules are in place to avoid any abuse of service (bandwidth, disk space and system resources) in order to assure your entire satisfaction using the amazing Yeahhost web hosting offers.

Intellectual Property Rights
Material accessible to you through Yeahhost's Services may be subject to protection under the Malaysia (or any other country) copyright laws, or laws protecting trademarks, trade secrets or proprietary information. Except when expressly permitted by the owner of such rights, you must not use the Yeahhost Service in a manner that would infringe, violate, dilute or misappropriate any such rights, with respect to any material, which you access or receive through the Yeahhost Network. If you use a domain name in connection with the Yeahhost Service or similar service, you must not use that domain name in violation of any trademark, service mark, or similar rights of any third party.

Defamatory speech distributed over the Internet can result in civil liability for the defamer. Defamatory information is not allows in all of our service and we are not responsible for any damages caused.

Refusal of Service
Yeahhost reserves the right at its sole discretion to refuse or cancel service. Violation of any of Yeahhost's Rules and Regulations could result in a warning, suspension, or possible account termination. Accounts terminated due to policy violations will not be refunded. Domains terminated due to policy violations will not be released to the customer.

Renewal of Products & Services
All renewal prices on displayed applies to the amount required to renew the products and services at the time of order. The price for renewals is subject to change due to various factors and is not guaranteed to be fixed. Any changes to the renewal price will be published on our announcement web page here.

Email Policy
The following mailing activities are prohibited:
(1) Spam - Yeahhost does not tolerate spam, whether legal or illegal. Bulk unsolicited email is automatically considered spam.
(2) Forgery of email headers (Do not fake email header information to misdirect or otherwise "spoof" another party for any reason, including without limitation to evade detection.).
(3) Use of Yeahhost's network for the receipt of replies to unsolicited email.
(4) Spamming via third-party proxy, aggregation of proxy lists, or installation of proxy mailing software.
(5) Configuration of a mail server to accept and process third party messages for sending without user identification and authentication.
(6) Hosting web pages advertised within spam sent from another network, even if a third party sent those emails.
(7) We do not allow bulk mail, marketing email and newsletters in shared hosting (may cause problems or delay to email).
(8) Scam email.

Block Removal – If, as a result of a Customer's actions, Yeahhost's mail servers or IP address ranges are placed on black hole lists and other mail filtering software systems, Yeahhost shall charge Customer RM500 upfront and RM200 per hour thereafter for any necessary remedial actions.

To ensure optimum mail server performance, daily SMTP limit is set to 1,000 email for shared hosting account and 3,000 email for corporate hosting account.

Spam or Unsolicited E-Mail
You must not use the Yeahhost Network, Yeahhost equipment or any Yeahhost email address in connection with the transmission of spam, flames, mail bombs, or substantially similar, unsolicited email messages. Your domain may not be referenced as originator, intermediary, or reply-to address in any of the above. This prohibition extends to the sending of unsolicited mass mailings from another service that in any way implicates the use of the Yeahhost Network, Yeahhost equipment or any Yeahhost email address. A message is considered unsolicited if it is posted in violation of a newsgroup charter or if it is sent to a recipient who has not requested or invited the message. For purposes of this provision, merely making one's email address accessible to the public will not constitute a request or invitation to receive messages.

If you are found to have spammed, Yeahhost reserves the right to disable your domain without warning. In addition, Yeahhost may impose a RM200 penalty for each spam policy violation. Yeahhost solely reserves the right to refuse or cancel service to known spammers. Lastly, Yeahhost reserves the right to determine what violates this policy. As such, any violation may result in cancellation of services without refund.

Any attempts to undermine, slander, libel, insult, threaten, or cause harm to a Yeahhost server, customer, employee, or the company directly is strictly prohibited and is grounds for immediate termination without refund. In addition, we will pursue all attempts to the fullest extent of the law.

Customer agrees that it shall defend, indemnify, save and hold Yeahhost (or it's employee's/owners) harmless from any and all demands, liabilities, losses, costs and claims, including reasonable legal fees asserted against Yeahhost, its agents, its customers, officers and employees, that may arise or result from any service provided or performed or agreed to be performed or any product sold by customer, it's agents, employees or assigns. Customer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Yeahhost against liabilities arising out of; (1) any injury to person or property caused by any products sold or otherwise distributed in connection with Yeahhost server; (2) any material supplied by customer infringing or allegedly infringing on the proprietary rights of a third party and (3) copyright infringement. Customer agrees to limit the liability of Yeahhost to the amount paid for service.

Reserved & Premium Domain Names
Certain (unknown during registration process) domain names may be reserved or classified as premium names by the registrar of its respective domain extension. Reserved and premium names are sold at a higher than usual price determine by the domain registrar and not Yeahhost. Yeahhost do not reserve or set the price for reserved or premium domain names and will not be held liable for any names that falls under the mentioned categories. All domains’ price quoted and ordered from our website are for the price of standard domain names only. Yeahhost reserves the right to refund to you in case your chosen domain name falls under the premium/reserved caterogry..

On Sale & Lifetime Discounts
"On Sale" discount will only apply to the first payment, on sale items are renewed at the regular price. "Lifetime" discount applies to first payment and renewals, renew at the same discounted price.

Delivery Policy
In case of instant payment (such as credit card and PayPal purchase), the order will be processed within 24 hours. For other payment types, (such as bank transfer and cheque payment) we will start processing the order after payment is cleared, this may take more than 3 days. For first time order, account will only be activated after successful phone verification.

Refund and Cancellation Policy
For payment, Yeahhost accepts MasterCard, Visa, WorldPay, PayPal, 2CO, bank transfer, money order, cash and cheque deposit. Yeahhost invoices exclusively via e-mail. Yeahhost does not send out invoices via postal services. You may cancel your newly subscribed/purchase services or products that are applicable for refund at any time and receive a full refund (excluding SSL certificate, managed DNS, reseller hosting, license fee, VPS, cloud servers, dedicated server, setup fees, service charges, renewal or domain name registrations fees incurred) if cancelled within our thirty (30) days money-back guarantee period. If you wish to cancel your hosting account after thirty (30) days, you will receive no refund of any monies already paid to Yeahhost. However, if customer cancels fifth teen (15) days before recurring monthly billing date customer will not be billed for the next month and all payments thereafter will be cancelled with immediate effect. Refunds will be given at the discretion of the company management.

The following methods of payments are non refundable, and refunds will be credited to the hosting account:

Bank Transfer
Cash or Cheques Deposit
Money Order

Yeahhost reserves the right to arbitrate and delimit on a per-situation basis the extent to which this guarantee applies, and may, in the case of abuse of Yeahhost's services on the part of customer void the thirty (30) Days Money Back Guarantee.

Accounts violating our Terms and Conditions do not qualify for the thirty (30) days money back guarantee. Only first time accounts are eligible for a refund. For example, if you've had an account with us before, cancelled and signed up again, you will not be eligible for a refund. This is to protect our refund guarantee from being abused.

Refund is not applicable for paid renewal, upgrades and service charges of any kind.

Late Payment
Any account whose payment status is not current as of the start of the next billing period is deemed late. Generally, customers are given a 3 day grace period after which the account is put on suspension. You will receive a payment reminder everyday from the start of your payment due date. If after 7 days payment has not been received or we have not been contacted regarding payment, your account will be terminated without any further notice. Reactivation of closed accounts due to delinquency incurs a RM50 reactivation fee as well as payment of the balance due in full. For late payments please email billing department to arrange payment.

You must use only one of following methods to deliver an official written notice of cancellation: Please e-mail billing department or click here to submit a ticket.

Without official written notice of cancellation to billing department within 30 days from the date of purchase, you will not be eligible for thirty (30) days money back guarantee.

For dedicated hosting and colocation, the contract length is minimum 1 year. If cancellation made within a year, the customer need to pay the remaining months for the first year. In case customer need to move server to another datacentre, there will be another one year new contract at the new datacentre. If customer fail to clear any pending payment, we do not allow customer to remove server and take the server out from datacentre.

Yeahhost will not be responsible for any damages your business may suffer. Yeahhost makes no warranties of any kind, expressed or implied for services we provide. Yeahhost disclaims any warranty or merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, wrong delivery, and any and all service interruptions caused by Yeahhost and its employees. Yeahhost guarantees high uptime reliability.

Yeahhost keeps backups of key server systems only. Yeahhost can accept no responsibility for any loss of data or consequences arising from this. Yeahhost always advises clients to back up their site data regularly for its own protection.

Yeahhost furthermore expects that its customers who provide hosting services (resellers) to others will ensure its customers fully comply with all applicable laws concerning the privacy of online communications and any other policy of Yeahhost A customer's failure to comply with those laws will violate this policy.

If a reseller provides hosting services to others and decides to cancel their reseller hosting account with Yeahhost, then Yeahhost will not be responsible for maintaining hosting for the resellers customers.

Finally, Yeahhost wishes to emphasize that in accepting services, customers indemnify Yeahhost for the violation of any law or Yeahhost policy, that results in loss to Yeahhost or the bringing of any claim against Yeahhost.This means that if Yeahhost is sued because of activities of the customer that violate any law, or this policy, the customer will pay any damages awarded against Yeahhost, plus costs and reasonable legal fees.

Failure to comply with any of our terms & conditions will result in grounds for immediate account deactivation.

Yeahhost reserves the right to change, edit, or update the policies contained in this document, along with the content on our website including the prices on our services at any time for any reason without notice.


Support Policies: Throughout this document, Yeahhost Sdn Bhd will be referred to as Yeahhost, Support Team, Abuse Team, "We," or "Our."

Support Services
1. Monitoring: Ensure the functionality and uptime of all our services.
2. Software Maintenance: Maintain, update, and secure hardening the operating system and software on the servers we fully manage.
3. Hardware Maintenance: Monitor the health of hardware and replace any faulty server components as needed.
4. Data Centre: Manage data centre operation and network connectivity.

Customer Support
1. Guidance: Provide guidance and knowledgebase information to customers regarding the use of our services.
2. Advice & Solution: Offer advice, solutions, and guidance based on our expertise and experience.
3. Feedback: Receive and address customer feedback regarding issues encountered while using our services.
4. Error Messages: Provide detailed error messages (based on availability) to assist customers in troubleshooting their web scripts or other service-related issues.
5. Notify: Inform customers of any issues they may have caused, violated, or exceeded while using our services.
6. Login Credentials: Ensure that the correct customers receive the necessary login credentials (username and password) upon signup or upon request.

Abuse Cases
1. Scope: Our abuse team addresses various issues, including but not limited to malware, brute-force attack, spamming, mass-mailing, excessive resource usage, and copyright infringements caused by customers. The team will provide guidance and advice to help customers resolve these matters.
2. Notification: Notify customers if their usage has abused our terms of use, caused harm or damage to the hosting ecosystem, or violated legal terms.

Contact Channels
The technical support team can be reached through the following official communication channels. Other possible communication channels will not be closely monitored.

Customers' Responsibilities
1. Computers: Customers are responsible for the hardware, software, and operating systems of the computers they use to access our services.
2. Scripts & Applications: Customers are responsible for troubleshooting and resolving software-related issues, including but not limited to their own web scripts, configuration changes, applications installed, and the operating system of their private servers.
3. Security: Customers are responsible for the security of their websites, private servers, and the safekeeping of their login credential.
4. Usage: Customers are responsible for managing their resource usage to prevent overuse, stay within the limits of their service package offerings, and follow our Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP).